1-Day Seminar
Integrative Detox System
Developed by
Linda Clark, MA, CNC

This unique 1-day seminar, developed by Linda Clark, discusses some of the most effective detoxification methods with easy-to-follow strategies to promote the normal excretion of toxins and to remove inflammatory triggers from the diet.
Methods and Strategies
- A healthy diet consisting of whole foods from a detox perspective
- Detox lifestyle practices
- Targeted nutritional support and homeopathic cleansing approaches
All of these components are put together in a four-week detox and educational program that you can effectively run with groups or individuals. You can easily customize the program to fit into your existing nutritional recommendations and therapeutic approaches
- A “turnkey” client-tested detox and education plan
- A week-by-week overview of the program and how to best implement it
- Integrated detox and drainage
- Instructions on how to promote the program
- A patient guide, videos, and a healthcare professional’s guide that explain how to use nutritional formulas to support the organs and homeopathic formulas to support detox and drainage
- Clinical jewels and insights

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