2-Hour Seminar
Part of the Neuroendocrine Immunology Seminar Series
Neurochemistry of Childhood Brain Developmental Disorders
Seminar Author
Dr. Datis Kharrazian, PhD, DHSc, DC, MS, MMSc, FACN

One out of eight children today suffer from some type of childhood developmental disorder, such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, dyslexia, etc. This informative presentation will review the current literature regarding the neurochemistry, neurophysiology, and neuroanatomy of childhood disorders. In addition, new clinical perspectives and applications will be presented.
- Understanding the mechanisms of ADD/ADHD, developmental dyslexia, Tourette syndrome, and bipolar disorder
- Why autism rates appear to be increasing
- The role nutrition plays in brain development
- Nutritional support for brain health
- Clinical jewels and insights
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