General Seminar Disclaimer

Apex Seminars™, Apex Energetics™, and the Department of Health and Human Services share the concern that no homeopathic and/or nutritional supplement be used to replace established, conventional medical approaches. Only conventional methods should be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Homeopathic protocols and products are intended for use in temporary symptom relief for over-the-counter (OTC) indications only. Nutritional supplements are for health maintenance purposes only.

The material presented at all Apex Seminars is for general educational information purposes only and is solely the opinion of the author and presenter. No seminar is intended to provide personalized medical or legal advice, and the material presented is not necessarily considered mainstream health care. It is left to the discretion and judgment and is the sole responsibility of each attendee to determine what is necessary for his/her own practice.

It is the sole responsibility of the attendee at any Apex Seminar to comply with local, state, and federal laws regarding the use of the material presented as it relates to the scope and type of attendee’s practice.

Neither the speakers nor Apex Seminars (including the sponsors, such as Apex Energetics) can be held responsible for the material, opinions, or any inadvertent errors or omissions in the preparation or presentation of the material. Further, nothing in the material should be construed as a claim regarding any procedure, protocol, therapy, test, or product.

The material presented at each seminar has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Homeopathic and nutritional products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseases or conditions.

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