Linda Clark

Linda Clark

Linda Clark



Linda Clark holds a Masters in Holistic Health Education degree from John F. Kennedy University and a Nutrition Consultant certification from Bauman College. She was an adjunct professor at John F. Kennedy University for 13 years and taught graduate courses in Nutrition for Wellness Throughout the Life Cycle, Nutrition for Healing the Body and Mind, Diet and Meal Planning, Nutrition and the Brain, Nutrition and the Thyroid, Women’s Health, Successful Nutrition Consulting, and Functional Testing for the Nutrition Professional for the Holistic Health Education and Nutrition masters program.

For the past 15 years she has conducted seminars for health professionals throughout the United States as an instructor for Apex Energetics.

She is the developer of the Detox 360°™ diet and lifestyle program distributed by Apex Energetics and the author of Gluten-Free Life™ a booklet which is distributed to healthcare professionals across the country. She is also a practitioner advisor and paid consultant for Apex Energetics.

She owns Universal Wellness Associates, a holistic nutrition and wellness practice located in Fair Oaks, California. Her nutrition practice covers a wide range of health issues from body composition, thyroid and adrenal imbalances, diabetes, detoxification, hormone imbalances, cancer, and autoimmune. She also specializes in food sensitivity issues as they relate to ADD, autism, mood regulation, and chronic health conditions.

Linda uses a variety of functional testing methods to look for wellness potential as well as underlying imbalances upon which to target diet and nutrition programs. She uses this testing along with an extensive health assessment to develop customized nutrition and lifestyle programs. Her desire is that her clients realize their health potential as they create lives devoted to healthy eating and healthy living.


Detox 360˚™ Program

Detox | Drainage | Diet I Lifestyle
Comprehensive Detox Made Easy

Includes four key approaches: dietary support, lifestyle practices, elimination of toxins, and support of liver detox pathways.*


Detox 360˚™ Seminar

Integrative Detox System™

This unique 1-day seminar, developed by Linda Clark, discusses some of the most effective detoxification methods with easy-to-follow strategies to promote the normal excretion of toxins and to remove inflammatory triggers from the diet.

Gluten Free Life Booklet

Gluten-Free Life Booklet

Gluten-Free Living

The Gluten-Free Life booklet contains valuable, to-the-point information and will introduce your clients to the idea of gluten-free living. It will provide them with important descriptions, information, transition support, recipes, enzyme support, and sources for buying gluten-free products.

Financial Disclosure

Linda Clark has the following financial interests. As the researcher and developer of the Detox 360˚™ diet and lifestyle program, she receives royalties from the sale of the educational material for that program and is a paid consultant to Apex Energetics, Inc. Ms. Clark is not an employee of and has no ownership interest in Apex Energetics.

She also receives a speaker’s fee and is reimbursed for her travel and related accommodation expenses by the sponsor, Apex Energetics.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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