Weekend Seminar
Saturday and Sunday
Functional Endocrinology: Connecting New Research With Practical Applications
Seminar Author
Dr. Datis Kharrazian, PhD, DHSc, DC, MS, MMSc, FACN

Denver, CO
Irvine, CA
Farmington, UT
Minneapolis, MN
This long-awaited, comprehensive 2-day seminar is designed to provide a review of the physiology and the key concepts in functional endocrinology. This seminar includes dozens of important clinical pearls derived from Dr. Kharrazian’s own practice and research. In addition, the speaker will address the effects of acute and chronic stress/environmental factors on physiology, and the healing process.
This presentation will also review the scientific literature regarding how various diets, botanicals, nutrients, and lifestyle, and environmental factors can impact the endocrine system directly and indirectly. The focus of this seminar is how to support healthy endocrine balance with or without the use of aggressive hormone replacement strategies. A review of human physiology will be followed by clinical applications, general review of relevant laboratory tests, differential diagnoses, and how to identify cases that may need to be referred for further consultation and/or evaluation.
- Key concepts and principles in endocrinology
- Clinical pearls and insights to improve patient care and enhance personal practice
- Latest published research
- The strengths and weaknesses of hormone laboratory testing methods
- How to use diet, nutrition, and lifestyle strategies to support healthy endocrine function
Weekend Seminar
Functional Endocrinology: Connecting New Research With Practical Applications
Irvine, CA
Location Phone
(949) 453-1033
Location Parking
Day & Time
Saturday | 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Sunday | 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Weekend Seminar
Functional Endocrinology: Connecting New Research With Practical Applications
Minneapolis, MN
Location Phone
Location Parking
Day & Time
Saturday | 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Sunday | 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
12 CE Units May Be Available for DCs, LAcs
Learn more about CEU Accreditation.
Questions about Continuing Education credits please fill in the form or call (800) 736-4381 x6184.
Upcoming Apex Seminars
Apex Energetics is a leading provider of research-based nutritional products available exclusively through Healthcare Professionals.
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